Friday, April 11, 2008

there's a man goin' round in this town...

Okay, seriously...
This businessman does spread a lot of lies.
I'm posting a rant written not by me, but I do happen to agree with most of it. I think it's pretty typical of the complaints I've had and have heard from just about every teacher who has worked for this employer.
I suggest that anyone looking for a job in Japan read this. It is what you should expect if you work at the school mentioned here, and it is a good indication of working life outside the major cities.
Anyway, here it is. I've highlighted the parts I strongly agree with.

*ALERT* Gunma Language Center & Gunma Language Academy
I would like to post an advisory to prospective English teachers about Gunma Language Center and Gunma Language Academy, located in Takasaki, Maebashi, Gunmamachi and Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.

This school has been in operation for over ten years, run by a Japanese husband and wife team named Masakatsu Horiguchi 堀口 政勝(ほりぐちまさかつ) and Kimiko Horiguchi. 堀口 君子(ほりぐちきみこ)

Their website is

In Japanese it's 幼児から成人のための語学学校です。教室での授業の他、講師派遣もできます。海外出張向け講座、翻訳、留学相談も行っています。

Gunma Language Center and Gunma Language Academy is NOT doing anything illegal. They are by the books and reputable in the local community. But I think Mr. Horiguchi draws a fine line bordering unethical and exploitive. I think he is very diabolical and has exploiting foreigner teachers new to Japan down to an art form.

The big draw for teaching in Gunma Language Center and Gunma Language Academy is the ¥260,000 salary and the alleged ¥240,000 bonus at the end of your contract. Regarding the bonus, it is supposed to be a rental and airfare reimbursement, but is commonly absorbed in hidden "taxes" that are never made very clear and are only revealed to you at the end of your contract.

The Horiguchis own the apartment complex that all 6 teachers are required to live. I think you are basically paying his mortgage. He charges ¥55,000/month (¥10,000/month over the true value of the apartment). The apartments are large for Japan, BUT they are constructed of the cheapest plastic material, not unlike a big cubical. You will be spending a lot of your salary on heating or air conditioning just to stay comfortable. They come unfurnished except for the very basics (fridge, toaster, stove, vacuum) so you will be spending your entire first salary on a futon, furniture, trash cans, cooking utensils and other essential comforts.

The Horiguchis like to say in their ads for new teachers that the apartment is located only 5 minutes from their GLC branch. This is true, however you will mostly have only one class per day at GLC, or one day per week at GLC. Otherwise you can expect to be driving on average between 2-12 hours/week extra UNPAID just to get to all your classes!!! The nearest other branch, MLA, is 20 minutes away. The furthest class is over 2 hours away (4 hours total drive time there and back).

Teaching schedules tend to be erratic and all over the board, some 9am-6pm, others from 1pm-9:30pm. (To add to this, employees are told they'll only be scheduled from 2pm to 10pm in the contract.) I think Mr. Horiguchi tends to assign light schedules to his favorite teachers and break the backs of the rest of the teachers. There's definitely no balance or flexibility, and I think he does this to cause competition between teachers in hopes of creating a team of kiss-asses. I think he fully expects all teachers to do exactly what he says without question or complaint.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the schedule is that you MUST work every single Saturday (and Friday night until 10pm), NO exceptions. 6-day work weeks are contractual. Only Sundays off. You might also have to work during the holiday weeks.

The contract also says that one-hour weekly meetings are required, as are participating in Christian-themed Easter and Christmas recitals ON YOUR ONLY DAY OFF, for only 5,000yen, not to mention all that unpaid lesson planning and prep time for the recitals (and the xmas party -- some teachers get really stressed out during these times) in addition to your normal classes.

Want to make extra money tutoring students outside of GLC? Forget it. It's in the contract that you absolutely can not teach outside of GLC. Even private language exchanges are forbidden. If he finds out, then you are in big legal trouble. I think he does this to maintain his monopoly of the local area, and also to keep you hard of cash so that you are dependent solely on him for an income.

Your apartment is located in Gunmamachi, which is the countryside outside of Takasaki. Despite what the ad says, you are NOT anywhere near downtown Takasaki. It's a rare day that you even see that city. The only things you will see on a normal work week are your classroom and the local grocery store. There really is nothing else in the area to do or see in the immediate area. It's GREAT for those who love secluded farm life, and the surrounding mountains and onsen hot springs can be enjoyable, and the air is clean, but again you will only have time for bike rides or excursions on your one single day off.

You are given a car to drive to work (he pays for gas and maintenance but does not pay teachers for the drive time there; (or the time you will spend to have maintenance done on the car) the cars are small compact deathtraps with no airbags or antilock breaks), and you are allowed to use it in your free time, BUT you pay 30¥ per kilometer. That sounds ok to you? Remember that you are totally isolated from the nearest city, with only 2 restaurants and a mall within walking distance. The "Guch Miles" add up HEAVILY. Basically you are forced to drive your car to do anything personal, all at what I think is the total profit of Mr. Horiguchi, and you will see how fast your salary dwindles. ¥600/day (to go eat or shopping) X 365 days is over ¥200,000/year in HIS pocket. Ouch! He even requires you to pick up your monthly salary at a branch 20 minutes away on your time off just so I think he can profit from the extra mileage.

If you are looking for cultural interaction or meeting Japanese people (other than students) or listening to music or looking at art or watching festivals or visiting shrines, THIS AINT THE PLACE. Gunmamachi is far too secluded and barren for any of that. Sundays into Tokyo are doable, but you will wind up exhausted if you factor the 6 hour there-and-back train ride. That only gives you 8 daytime hours in Tokyo.

At GLC, I think it truly doesn't matter how great a teacher you are or how loved by your students you are. If Mr. Horiguchi personally doesn't like you, then I think he will treat you like dirt. One teacher who taught at a company class received a substantial monetary gift from the company for all his hard work. They gave it to Mr. Horiguchi to give to the teacher, but Mr. Horiguchi didn't give it to him. The company later asked the teacher if he got it. The teacher confronted Mr. Horiguchi, who told him he was not allowed to receive gifts from students, and that it should go to Mr. Horiguchi instead.

Most teachers wind up re resentful of Mr. Horiguchi but some strive to please him; one went certifiably insane, collapsed from exhaustion while at work and had to be hospitalized before deported to America. This is no joke. Other teachers have gotten cabin fever because of the isolation and quit.

One teacher who ended his contract early was invited to a school dinner party of 15 people, during which Mr. Horiguchi stood up to make a toast then in front of everyone ripped into the teacher for not honoring his contract and being unreliable. Another teacher wasn't given any time to clean the apartment before going home. Mr. Horiguchi then demanded that teacher pay a ¥20,000 cleaning fee, even though the contract says only ¥2,000.

Very few teachers have anything nice to say about Mr. Horiguchi. He has said to new teachers "You are not in Japan to experience culture or have fun; you are here as an employee of this school and only here to work for us."

My intent is not to personally attack the Horiguchis, but to exercise my right to pass on information and inform prospective teachers of details that are left out of the GLC contract that usually surprise new teachers upon their arrival, such as the promise of a bonus that never materializes; by saying you are in Takasaki when really you are in the sticks; by not informing you of the 6-day work week; and not informing you of the unpaid drive-time.

For those reasons alone, I think prospective teachers should be on guard. There are worse schools in Japan, but I am positive there are better ones as well. All I'm saying is look around more before signing a contract with the Horiguchis at Gunma Language Center.

Good luck!!!



Anonymous said...

I, too, worked for Mr. Horiguchi. I agree with the statements made by the writer. In addition, I'd like to share a short story. This may seem petty, but I think it speaks to the type of person Mr. Horiguchi is. My washing machine was making a clanking noise and not working properly. Mr. Horiguchi arranged for me to have his friend, a man from the local electrical shop, take a look at it. There happened to be a sock caught between a small basket in the washing machine and the wall of the machine. The electrician new immediately what it was, stuck his arm in the machine, and pulled the sock right out. I had no idea until I received my monthly salary, that I was going to be billed for this visit from the electrician. I don't recall exactly how much it was, but I believe somewhere around $100. The most disturbing piece to me was that Mr. Horiguchi had the electrician "fix" a student's washing machine with the exact same issue six months prior. Couldn't he have asked me to check on whether or not I was having the same issue, rather than having his electrician friend come out to my apartment for some crazy fee...that was simply deducted from my salary? I certainly believe so.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Horiguchi is a fair employer and to my knowledge he has never charged anyone for repair costs to their apartment.

Be aware that this job requires a certain amount of driving,up to 10hours a week, gas paid for (but time not recompensed), a six day work week, no national holidays (exempting vacations), and the school is not located in central Takasaki. Also make sure to inquire about city taxes, so as not to be taken by surpise.

All this said, GLC is a good company, and allows a greater amount of freedom for the teacher in the classroom than most schools.

There are also many other positive points about GLC.

If you speak to most of the teachers there the only real draw
back is the six day work week.

As far as I am concerned, all the rest is simply a disgruntled teacher's propagandaism.

Haruna! said...

hey! you should change your blog settings so that your first (and in my opinion most valid) post comes up at the top!

not here to bitch, nor defend, GLC, as everyone will have a different experience there. just wanted to let people know that The Guch fired the teacher he suspected of writing this blog; freedom of expression is one of the many rights lacking at Gunma Language Center.

in a classic twist, however, not only was Guch mistaken about who he thought authored this blog, but the wrongly-fired teacher went to the free Legal Aid for foreigners center in Takasaki, who helped him get Guch to shell out 3-months salary compensation for his early/wrongful termination, per Japan’s own workers-rights laws.

Gunma ain’t so bad though; nice for mountain biking and onsen.

Go GLC!!! said...

I taught at GLC for a few years and was extremely happy there!

Over time I had ingratiated myself with Horiguchi-san so that I could gain an advantage over the other teachers at GLC. It’s a small school but Horiguchi-san has fashioned it as competitive as any Japanese corporation, playing the teachers off each other, rewarding and punishing as he sees fit. If you understand Japanese society like I do, then you will do well at GLC. The gaijin who come here and complain are the ones who don’t know how competitive this country really is, even in a farm town like Gunmamachi.

The normal number of class hours at GLC is between 20-25 per week, and the drive time (unpaid) averages around 5 hours per week. However by doing favors for Horiguchi-san, over time I was able to wean my classes down to less than 5 hours per week with less than 1 hour driving. Some of these favors included helping GLC get new teachers from the internet (but I wasn’t allowed to tell them about the 6-day work week or unpaid driving), and reporting any teachers who said bad things about him.

Sometimes, as I sat on my patio all day enjoying the sun while all the other teachers were trudging off to their classes, I felt a little guilty. But when I collected my full salary each month, paid for hardly working, the guilt escaped me. I also tricked one of my friends from back home into coming to Japan and working at GLC. He was a little pissed off because I didn’t warn him about the 6-day work week or unpaid driving, and eventually he quit like all the others.

True, GLC is in the middle of nowhere, but for me this is okay; I am a YouTube addict, I like going to karaoke and onsen (especially while the other teachers have to work), so I was never bored in Gunmamachi like most gaijin are.

I also hit on one of my female students till she reluctantly became my girlfriend (Japanese girls are pushovers!), which helped me kill the time. Actually, it’s against GLC rules to date your students, but in my case Horiguchi-san was willing to overlook it.

Tokyo is several hours away by train; the other teachers could never go to Tokyo because they all had to work on Saturdays, but not me ;) However, I don’t like Tokyo; it’s too “hip” a scene for a corduroy and penny-loafers wearing fellow like me. The Tokyo girls never talked to me at the clubs I went to, so I wound up just going to karaoke, which I could have done in Gunma for much cheaper!

It’s true, many teachers leave Gunma Language Center in disgust within a few weeks or months, but none of these gaijin ever understood that in Japan you must go along to get along. There have been many colorful characters to pass through our school: the 2 lesbians; the guy filming a reality TV show about GLC; the boy who trashed his apartment like a rock start after Horiguchi-san fired him; the old guy who wore a kilt to class and did swan dives at the onsen (so rude!); the lady who walked around in her bikini to tease all the sex-starved male teachers here; the weird rock climber prone to temper tantrums; the creep from California who was obsessed with Japanese high school girls; and assortment of alcoholics; and, most famous in GLC, the guy who went clinically crazy from being overworked and had to be institutionalized.

I’ll probably be remembered as “The Guy Who Got Paid For Not Working” and this is one of the reasons why I finally quit GLC. Because instead of having 3 years teaching experience, all I really have is my first year repeated 3 times. Nor can I say that I ever saw or experienced anything memorable in Gunma since all I ever did was sit in my apartment watching YouTube or playing video games.

I feel kind of stupid now, hence this outpouring of my feelings. But besides all that, GLC is a fine place to work for someone like me. Ignore the original poster of this blog; he’s just a disgruntled GLC employee. As for me, I know that if I fail in my own country, I can always return to GLC where I am wanted. Go GLC!!!

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2010's character is revealed fully in what is written. It says nothing good about that person except that he shares some characteristics with the Horiguchis. There is very little good to be said about GLC except the students who are the real victims of the management's mores. The Students are terrific, the Horiguchi's are not moral human beings, and it has nothing to do with their being Japanese. From someone who taught there and loves Japan.

Anonymous said...

Just heard that there had been two married couples (from the USA)that had just finished their contracts with GLC--

Everyone knew they were pretentious "assholes" who constantly bragged about their mediocre accomplishments. Further, their teaching abilities "sucked."

One of their friends still works there I heard--an "F.O.B"--she's a shit talker too--be aware!!!

Horiguchis are great people, don't believe the hype!!!!

Still In Japan said...

@September 9, 2010 11:21 PM -
What is the point of your comment? Are you suggesting the "married couple" are responsible for the August 31 comment? If they were such terrible teachers, then why did GLC hire them? Doesn't the quality of the teaching reflect directly on Horiguchi's judgement in choosing his employees? And did you ever think that perhaps the bad attitude of the teachers at GLC is a direct result of their sheer dissatisfaction with Mr. Horiguchi's nazi-like tactics and P.O.W.-camp surroundings? Honestly, GLC would be a much better place to work if Horiguchi-san treated westerners like human beings instead of prisoners of war. I think most teachers at GLC arrive with enthusiasm and energy, but the dire reality of that atmosphere quickly kills any optimism they might have had. By the end of the year, GLC teachers just want their horrific contract to end so they can escape with at least a little bit of self-respect. Lastly, you say the Horiguchis are great people, but considering that GLC only hires 5-7 teachers max at any one time, the ratio of positive:negative reviews on this blog prove that your high opinion of the Horiguchis is outnumbered. I am all for fairness though, and would really like to hear from some ex-GLC teachers who actually liked working at Gunma Language Center. Anyone? Anyone?

Anonymous said..., you are a bitter person!

you are one of those people who think the world owes them something...

your reasoning is shot as well!

...don't play the role of the victim, move on, get with it, and enjoy your life...

do you think you are making yourself look as though you are contributing to some great cause by helping prospective teachers, or having others join your bandwagon of bitterness?

In fact, you are doing the I really think you as a "poster" are the shits!!!

Look deep within yourself--the enemy is never where we think he/she is....

Anonymous said...

bottom line: mr. Horiguchi is a complete Nazi. i worked/quit there recently, probably would have actually liked it except for him. i think the people writing these pro-Horiguchi comments are his family members, who all happen to work at the school as well (except for his outcast son, who is the apartment janitor, LOL!) which makes it an even more uncomfortable place of employment. basically, not advisable to work at GLC. plenty of other schools in gunma and around japan. good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

CB said...

I used to work at GLC too. What I did not appreciate was The Guch overcharging the teachers for our apartments at Purunie. He's making a huge profit not just by forcing teachers to live there - but by charging them DOUBLE what the rent should be! Not only that, but he pads the utility bills so you pay way more for than you actual consumed. The final insult is charging the teachers to use the company cars beyond the allotted mileage to get to class, despite the fact that teachers are not compensated for their personal time it takes to drive there (sometimes HOURS!). This kind of heartless exploitation does not inspire much loyalty towards GLC. What it does inspire are endless gripes, grudges and regrets among the teachers, who mostly spend their free time at Purunie bitching about The Guch. If that's the sort of environment you DON'T want to work in, then do as the above person suggested and look elsewhere in Japan for work.

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Anonymous said...

I worked for Mr. Horoguchi as well and can vouch that he is a heartless bastard. He is so damn old, I can't imagine that he needs to extract any more money from the "gaijin business". Avoid him and the Gunma Language Center!

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Anonymous said...

Heidi an Yoko O.
have gaping cunts
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Both friends wit each other

Anonymous said...

Yoko oyama is a typical slut trying to fuck married men when she taught at Glc, one if them an ugly guy Robert
She'll do anyone! Scandalous!

Anonymous said...

Didn't she have a mentally ill fake bf?

Matt C.

She's mental herself! Sleeps with her married boss! Sleeps with strangers in Tokyo! Hell, she will sleep with a dog if it stood and walked like a human being! Yoko O. is such a fake ass woman! She's real dumb too! Like a very low I.Q. Level. If you fuck her over, she will bow and love you! Being a gaijin earns you extra points! She loves the ugly ones! You can find her in Ota-ku!

Anonymous said...

Yoko O. Has a venereal disease too!


EL SEAR said...

Thank you for writing this blog. You probably saved many people from despair and being exploited. I was just offered (and actually considering) a position from Gunma Language Centre which, was offered by Kimiko Horiguchi who you say is the wife of the bad businessman. She called me Friday night from Japan and without really interviewing me and seeing me through skype the next night she was offering me a position and hurrying me to get there. The deal isn't good and the contract they sent me reads really shady. Nonetheless why would anyone want to work 300 days a year, be charged for using the company car in, which you described as a death trap, drive hours to work, and be miss treated from their employer while honoring a poor concepted contract. It's all a bum deal. Man funk that! I encourage more foreign teachers to be as thoughtful as you and share their bad experiences. And to think you wrote this in 2008 and here it is eight years later and they still haven't cleaned up there act.

Peace and love.

yk said...

Could you please delete the postings which harrass my ex colleagues?

yk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yk said...

Could you please delete the postings which harrass my ex colleagues?

yk said...

Could you please delete the postings which harrass my ex colleagues?

yk said...

Could you please delete the postings which harrass my ex colleagues?

Anonymous said...

It's 2019 and they still haven't changed. Can't teach an old dog new tricks I guess. Shady contract and they will not under any circumstances answer simple questions about it honestly. The "bonuses" they give simply pay for the overpriced apartment and personal car usage fee they pawn off on you. No public holidays, no health insurance/pension, no paid vacation, no honesty, no dice! They hope to prey on inexperienced or desperate foreigners that either don't know the system or are willing to be one step away from slave labor. If you're into working 300 days a year in the boonies (10km away from the nearest city) with no life, no benefits, and no respect, go for it! SHADY! STAY AWAY! RUN AWAY!